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B&C Brief #12 - Jul 11 (english version)

B&C Brief #12 - Jul 11 (english version)

Publication of type B&C brief published on 01-07-2011 - Download attached file

Focus on Asia


A summer with potential co-creation

The recent publication of Admical’s Sponsorship Charter reminds us of the extent to which there is still a need for a convergence of the perspectives of traditional phi-lanthropy and CSR. Why not promote the idea of the two working together to transform our 1500 corporate foundations into major players in the financing of a French style social R & D? Charities and NGOs are in dire need of this. The ability of these foundations to take risks is ultimately one of their characteristics that is probably the least valued (because they don’t receive direct financial returns from the activity they undertake.)

On a slightly different note, the Ashoka Campus (which Be-linked partnered) was a highlight. It saw the coming together of social entrepreneurs, venture philanthropists and agents of in- novation and CSR from all over the world for exchanges and the creation of new partnerships. The aim, as always, was as Bill Drayton says, to increase «social change.» This was a cen- tral event for France with reflection and input from over 900 in- the-field participants devoted to finding innovative responses for Europe’s major societal issues. Such a gathering is bound to have social impact : when will we see an assessment of it?

Finally, at the crossroads of philanthropic initiatives, internal mo- bilisation and social investment is the “Rassembleurs d’Energie” a promising project launched by GDF SUEZ in June to mobilise social innovation in service of energy and water insecurity. The project is ambitious, as are the associated financial and human means associated with it. These are ambitions to be watched, along with the necessary injection of a fresh outlook that will enable the best in community and business expertise to work together for the common good.



Climat & Carbone, Droits humains, Normes, lois et réglementations, Pollution